Secret of "Flat-to-3D" - 1: outline

平面が立体になる秘密 - その ➀ 外形線

Transformation from a flat sheet of paper to a three dimensional diorama - this is what we are excited about!  Here we would like to analyse elements of this transformation with a few historical examples - which were often made for advertising merchandise.

The first step from flat to 3D seems to be 'outline'.

This charming card tells that this glove shop has some delicate and pleasant merchandise.  This is a lot more attractive than a picture of glove on a rectangular piece of paper.  They must be made in a large quantity and that was possible using the die-cutting technique and precision work by printers.


平らな印刷物を立体的なジオラマに立ち上げる楽しみ - これが、1:16シリーズを通してわたしたちが伝えたいことです。かつて広告として配られた小さな紙片を紹介し、どんな要素がわたしたちを魅了するのか、分析したいと思います。




This piece below is from 1908, advertising a consommé soup wrapped in a square cube.  They were handed out at a food fair, describing information about this product on the reverse.  They were made cute to be kept, not thrown away instantly, and given to visiting families as a souvenir - then viewed by more people.  I guess the designer thought it is good size for a bookmark, sticking this young chef's head out from a book.




Next piece IS a bookmark which advertise Möller's Cod Liver Oil.  A good precise job is done, a cut out fin is effective to keep the cod's head sticking out from a book page.   For children, this must be a good toy to imagine the ocean stream around it.  This is the beginning of creating a paper diorama, to isolate an object from its background and giving it a life.



EphemeraTomoko Azumi